Sunday Song: Thanksgiving #4

Today’s song is perhaps my favorite about Thankfulness…even at the worst of times, on a really bad day (like the one I am currently having), I have so much to thank the Lord for.

He forgives all my sins.
He heals all my diseases.
He redeems my life from the pit.
He crowns me with love and compassion.

He sees me. He knows me. He loves me.

My heart is filled.

Sunday Song: For Paris

My heart breaks for the pain running rampant all over the world today. I grieve over lives lost due to evil, evil hate.

It’s a cruel place. 
But as a child of God, I trust and I know that evil had a beginning and one day it will certainly meet its end…on that day when He makes all things right.
So this Sunday’s song is one for Paris.  For everyone crushed by this broken world.  Here’s some truth that’s worth being thankful for.
As Sure as the Sun (Ellie Holcomb)
There is good news, there is good truth
That you could never change,
No matter what you do
You are loved more than you know
More than you could hope for
After everything you’ve done
As sure as the sun will rise
And takes away the night
His mercy will not end
His mercy will not end

There is good news, there’s a promise
That no matter where you go
You will never be alone
In the dark, in the doubting
When you can’t feel anything
Oh, His love remains the same
As sure as the sun will rise
And takes away the night
His mercy will not end
His mercy will not end

Even through the night
Silver stars will shine
Hope of glory’s light
That will wake us once again
As sure as the sun will rise
And takes away the night
As sure as the sun will rise
His mercy will not end
His mercy will not end

Sunday Song: Thanksgiving #1

Here I am….November 1.

It’s the first day in a month that I don’t “have to” blog, but it’s almost become habit and I want to keep going.

I won’t write about truth every day anymore, but I don’t want to forsake it completely, either.  I enjoyed the Sunday Song posts because music has always been one of the biggest influences in my life.

I plan to continue the Sunday Song series at least through the end of 2015. The months of November and December lend themselves easily to this.  In the weeks leading about to Thanksgiving, I will share songs that cultivate thankfulness.  In December my focus will turn to Advent in preparation for Christmas.  Please join me.

Today’s song is one I’ve known my whole life.  It must be over thirty years old.  I clearly remember sitting on the floor of our house group while my dad led the group in worship.  I couldn’t have been more than four years old.  I had recently recovered from pneumonia and while the adults around me sang this song, I realized for the first time that I had something to thank God for.  He’d healed me.  I remember feeling elated and finally part of the “club” although I still didn’t know what it meant.

Let the weak say, “I am strong”
Let the poor say, “I am rich”
Because of what the Lord has done for us
Give thanks…

To Love the Truth Day 11: Sunday Song

I have had this song on repeat since I first heard it months ago.  It speaks for itself.

Have a wonderful Sunday. 

No Longer Slaves // Bethel Music

I am surrounded by the arms of the Father
I am surrounded by songs of deliverance
We’ve been liberated from our bondage
We’re the sons and the daughters….

You split the sea so I could walk right through it
You drown my fears in perfect love
You rescued me and I will stand and sing
I am a child of God

To Love the Truth Day 4: Sunday Song

Each Sunday during October, I decided to highlight a song that speaks to the Truth. It’s an opportunity to hear, reflect, believe, and worship.

Today’s song is “Will Justice Reign?” by Kathryn Scott.  It describes our longing and need for Truth…echoes of Isaiah 59.  

Earth groans and waits for her king to come 
with trembling hands of broken innocence. 

She bows her knees neath her heavy load 
for time has held her ransom.

Will justice reign? Will truth prevail? 

Will any take their stand for mercy?

Who’ll choose to walk the narrow way 

and touch a broken world with healing?

Will justice reign?

Her children cry from sorrow’s depths. 

Grieving for life as it COULD have been. 
But we close our eyes till the image fades.

Living on the borrowed time of excuses.

Will justice reign? Will truth prevail? 

Will any take their stand for mercy?

Who’ll choose to walk the narrow way 

and touch a broken world with healing?

Will justice reign?