Current Life Soundtrack

I’ve spent the last four months listening to the same five albums over and over.  I thought it’d be fun to share them today, as these artists and songs have spoken to my heart time and again.  The lyrics in many of these songs have great power and I love that they get stuck in my head.

Just this morning I was switching back and forth between these two refrains.

“You don’t give Your heart in pieces / You don’t hide Yourself to tease us.”

“So I will wake and spend my days loving the One who has raised me up / From death to life, from wrong to right / You’re making all things beautiful”

The albums are below, with a list of my favorite songs from each.


Brave New World (Amanda Cook) – Mercy, Kind, Pieces


The Undoing (Steffany Gretzinger) – Out of Hiding, Cecie’s Lullaby, Promise I Always Will


Alive Again (Matt Maher) – Remembrance (Communion Song), Christ is Risen, You Were on the Cross, Garden


Let it Be Jesus (Christy Nockels) – My Anchor, Everything is Mine in You, Let it be Jesus, Find My at the Feet of Jesus


We Will Not be Shaken (Bethel Music)  – We Will Not Be Shaken, Ever Be, No Longer Slaves, You Don’t Miss a Thing, In Over My Head (Crash Over Me)

Sunday Song: Somewhere in the Middle

This song describes so much of my life in this moment.  I find myself caught in the middle in so many ways.  I work in a middle school — every day I’m helping kids who are caught in the middle between youth and adolescence find words to describe their emotions.  My coworkers also come to me to express their frustrations; in adult drama, too, I am caught in the middle.

In my spiritual life….walking on this narrow road…waiting for the day when faith becomes sight….when I finally see Him face to face.  I am caught in the middle between dim sight and full understanding.

It’s a beautifully frustrating tension.  His kingdom: already here and not yet consummated. He makes Himself known, but only partly.  He reveals His will and yet I don’t always recognize the purpose.

Do I believe Him? Do I trust Him?  Not just in this, or for that, but in all things at all times? Do I believe that He is for me?  That His grace is enough?

“Hope shall change to glad fruition//Faith to sight and prayer to praise”

“Somewhere In The Middle”

Somewhere between the hot and the cold
Somewhere between the new and the old
Somewhere between who I am and who I used to be
Somewhere in the middle, You’ll find me

Somewhere between the wrong and the right
Somewhere between the darkness and the light
Somewhere between who I was and who You’re making me
Somewhere in the middle, You’ll find me

Just how close can I get, Lord, to my surrender without losing all control

Fearless warriors in a picket fence, reckless abandon wrapped in common sense
Deep water faith in the shallow end and we are caught in the middle
With eyes wide open to the differences, the God we want and the God who is
But will we trade our dreams for His or are we caught in the middle
Are we caught in the middle

Somewhere between my heart and my hands
Somewhere between my faith and my plans
Somewhere between the safety of the boat and the crashing waves

Somewhere between a whisper and a roar
Somewhere between the altar and the door
Somewhere between contented peace and always wanting more
Somewhere in the middle You’ll find me

Just how close can I get, Lord, to my surrender without losing all control

Lord, I feel You in this place and I know You’re by my side
Loving me even on these nights when I’m caught in the middle

Sunday Song: Don’t Let Me Lose My Wonder

Today’s song is simply beautiful.

Again, it speaks to this mystery I see daily — a God of all glory who makes Himself small.  Evidence of Him is everywhere.  May I never cease to find it.

You can listen to the song here.

Don’t Let me Lose my Wonder (Keith and Kristyn Getty)

I’ve seen days melt into nights
In circles of lights
I’ve watched a spider spin a star

Between the window box flowers
I’ve heard you laugh and cry
In a single sigh
And a story form within

Don’t let me lose my wonder
Don’t let me lose my wonder

I saw her broken dreams inside
But helping others fly
I saw his eyes without a doubt
Though other lights faded out
And though her calling roared
Such graciousness poured
From the vision of her soul

Don’t let me lose my wonder
Don’t let me lose my wonder

A baby cried through the dark
Beneath a jeweled spark
I knew Your voice upon the hill
And heard my lostness still
I found my home in the light
Where wrong was made right
And You rose as the morning star

Don’t let me lose my wonder
Don’t let me lose my wonder

Sunday Song: God Forbid

He is personal yet incomprehensible.

Full of mercy and yet the Righteous Judge.

Abounding love and unrelenting anger.

Gentle and all-powerful.


It is far too easy to focus on His smallness at the expense of His overwhelming greatness.  Our minds simply cannot understand fully, so we tend to hold on to what makes sense in our minds. I don’t want to make Him small.  He will not fit into a human mold.

He must become greater, I must become less.

This song captures the tension beautifully.  [click on the song title for a link to youtube]

God Forbid – Point of Grace

The more I know Your power Lord, the more I’m mindful
How casually we speak and sing Your name
How often we have come to You with no fear or wonder
And called upon You only for what we stand to gain

Lord, I often talk about Your love and mercy
How it seems to me, Your goodness has no end
It frightens me to think that I could take You for granted
Though You’re closer than a brother, you are more than just my friend

God forbid that I find You so familiar
That I think of You as less than who You are
God forbid, that I should speak of You at all
Without a humble reverence in my heart, God forbid

You are Father, God Almighty, Lord of Lords, You’re King of Kings
Beyond my understanding, no less than everything

God forbid that I find You so familiar
That I think of You as less than who You are
God forbid, that I should speak of You at all
Without a humble reverence in my heart
God forbid, God forbid, God forbid

Sunday Song: Psalm 62

Today’s song is inspired by all that I’ve learned in January….which resulted in the new blog.  I don’t know much, but He’s proved Himself more than worthy of all my praise.  I will trust Him.

[I can’t figure out how to embed a YouTube video, so this link will have to do]: Psalm 62 – Aaron Keyes

Psalm 62: My Savior, My God

My soul finds rest in God alone, my rock and my salvation
A fortress strong against my foes and I will not be shaken
Though lips may bless and hearts may curse
And lies like arrows pierce me
I’ll fix my heart on righteousness, I’ll look to Him who hears me

O praise Him, Hallelujah, my Delight and my Reward
Everlasting, never failing, my Redeemer, my God

Find rest, my soul, in God alone amid the world’s temptations
When evil seeks to take a hold I’ll cling to my salvation
Though riches come and riches go, don’t set your heart upon them
The fields of hope in which I sow are harvested in heaven

O praise Him, Hallelujah, my Delight and my Reward
Everlasting, never failing, my Redeemer, my God

I’ll set my gaze on God alone and trust in Him completely
With every day pour out my soul and He will prove His mercy

Though life is but a fleeting breath, a sigh too brief to measure
My King has crushed the curse of death and I am His forever

O praise Him, Hallelujah, my Delight and my Reward
Everlasting, never failing, my Redeemer, my God
O praise Him, Hallelujah, my Delight and my Reward
Everlasting, never failing, my Redeemer, my God

O praise Him, O praise Him, Hallelujah, Hallelujah
O praise Him, O praise Him, Hallelujah, Hallelujah
O praise Him, O praise Him, Hallelujah, Hallelujah

O praise Him, Hallelujah, my Delight and my Reward
Everlasting, never failing, my Redeemer, my God
O praise Him, Hallelujah, my Delight and my Reward
Everlasting, never failing, my Redeemer, my God

Sunday Song: Kind

I’ve had a great deal of time this week to listen to new music.  This lovely snowstorm is likely giving me a five day weekend which gave me ample time to do all my homework, clean the house, and read for pleasure.

Bethel Music’s Amanda Cook has a great album “Brave New World” that is a perfect background for writing.  Fortunately/Unfortunately, there were many times I had to stop writing academic papers and meditate on a lyric.

One that keeps giving me pause is “Kind”.

You are not a tyrant King
You do not delight in suffering
Your power doesn’t compensate for insecurity
‘Cause You are not a tyrant King

You are not an angry man
You do not treat us with contempt
Your voice is sure, Your eyes are soft, Your smile confident
‘Cause You are not an angry man

You are kind
You are kind
You are kind
You are kind

Your love is a fury all its own
Sweeping the dust and turning feet towards home
Carrying the orphans and resetting broken bones
Your love is a fury all its own

You are kind
You are kind
You are kind
You are kind

And love is powerful enough
Without the fear of punishment

Be at rest, oh my soul.  My God is not a tyrant.  He is kind.

Sunday Song: Broken

Better late in the day than never…

I love me some Lecrae and I’ve been listening to Anomaly while cooking lately.

This song, “Broken” has some beautiful truth.

I’m just a broken instrument in the hands of the Greatest…

…All the pieces on the ground
I shattered all the dreams I thought I found
And you put me back together
I need your grace for my flaws
God, I’m broken in this mess I’ve made
I need You to restore me…

…Tryna hold onto our lives with these clumsy hands
Fell off the wall of purity doing the Humpty dance
Forget the king’s horses, forget the king’s men
The King is coming to put us back together again…

Your presence in me
Is all the strength that I need

Sunday Song: Out of Hiding

My dad introduced me to this song while I was home for Christmas.  It’s absolutely beautiful and goes along well with what I am currently studying: the concept of shame.

I’m slowly working my way through Shame Interrupted: How God Lifts the Pain of Worthlessness & Rejection by Edward T. Welch…and this week happened upon the Fall and Jesus’ first miracle in my Scripture reading.  I never thought about the role of shame in turning water into wine and it is an altogether beautiful picture that I plan to share in the coming days.  I’m still studying the idea — I don’t want to post something that is entirely off- base theologically.

So here’s the song, with the lyrics in the video.

Oh, as you run,
what hindered love
will only become
part of the story…

Sunday Song: Advent #3

Today, on this third Sunday of Advent, we light the candle of Joy.  His arrival is close — the light is growing brighter.

Joy:: our time of rejoicing is almost here.  Jesus came that we might have JOY.  In all things, in spite of all things.

Sarah Bessey wrote about it beautifully, so please take the time to read her words here.

Today’s song is from Meredith Andrews. It’s a modern take on “God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen” that I first heard the Sunday after the Newtown shootings three years ago.

He came to redeem it all.  To bring us joy in all things, in spite of all things.  He brings light to the darkness.

The hope for all mankind.  Born to give us life.

Sunday Song: Advent #1

Today marks the first Sunday of Advent: a time of preparation of the arrival of a notable person, in our case, the King of the world.

It seems the world and most Christians forget this step. I guess in some ways, I do too.  My tree is set up and decorated in red and gold, not purple, which is the advent tradition.  I started listening to Christmas music last week.

But this year I am also going to focus on preparation for His arrival.  I bought my first advent wreath and I’m going to devote time to prayer and fasting.  I created an “advent playlist” that consists solely of songs of waiting.

“Let every heart prepare Him room….”

With that in mind, the next four Sunday songs will follow this theme of Advent.  Songs of meditation, of preparation, of joyful expectation.

Today’s song came to mind while reading Psalm 136 this morning.  I’ve always known it as the “His love endures forever” one, but today I focused on the other half of the words.

“He remembered us in our low estate and freed us from our enemies.”

He remembered us in our lowliness.  No, He did so much more than that.  He joined us there.

 <span class="crossreference" data-cr="#cen-ESV-29380J" data-link="(J)” style=”box-sizing: border-box; line-height: 22px; position: relative; top: 0px; vertical-align: top;”>Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, <span class="crossreference" data-cr="#cen-ESV-29381K" data-link="(K)” style=”box-sizing: border-box; line-height: 22px; position: relative; top: 0px; vertical-align: top;”>who, though he was
in <span class="crossreference" data-cr="#cen-ESV-29381L" data-link="(L)” style=”box-sizing: border-box; line-height: 22px; position: relative; top: 0px; vertical-align: top;”>the form of God, did not count equality with God <span class="crossreference" data-cr="#cen-ESV-29381M" data-link="(M)” style=”box-sizing: border-box; line-height: 22px; position: relative; top: 0px; vertical-align: top;”>a thing to be grasped, but <span class="crossreference" data-cr="#cen-ESV-29382N" data-link="(N)” style=”box-sizing: border-box; line-height: 22px; position: relative; top: 0px; vertical-align: top;”>emptied himself, by taking the form of a <span class="crossreference" data-cr="#cen-ESV-29382O" data-link="(O)” style=”box-sizing: border-box; line-height: 22px; position: relative; top: 0px; vertical-align: top;”>servant, <span class="crossreference" data-cr="#cen-ESV-29382P" data-link="(P)” style=”box-sizing: border-box; line-height: 22px; position: relative; top: 0px; vertical-align: top;”>being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by <span class="crossreference" data-cr="#cen-ESV-29383Q" data-link="(Q)” style=”box-sizing: border-box; line-height: 22px; position: relative; top: 0px; vertical-align: top;”>becoming obedient to the point of death, <span class="crossreference" data-cr="#cen-ESV-29383R" data-link="(R)” style=”box-sizing: border-box; line-height: 22px; position: relative; top: 0px; vertical-align: top;”>even death on a cross. 

He joined us in our low estate.  He took on our lowliness.

Today’s song reminds us of how low He stooped to join us.  May my lowly heart be ready to receive him.